The static|W&B Reference instrument is designed to provide a means of measuring total mass and its 2D-3D distribution on parts and assemblies that can be positioned and rotated on the instrument by means of the appropriate positioning fixture. It is one of our most widely used instruments and is found in many of the quality laboratories of leading nanosatellite and microsatellite manufacturers, aircraft parts machining companies, avionics manufacturers, etc.
The system consists of a load receptor equipped with high-precision HBM® load cells and one or more positioning fixtures, which are custom-designed for the customer’s parts and dimensionally certified. We design positioning fixtures for workpieces with clear reference planes, for essentially irregular workpieces and for use with both types of workpieces in combination.
The system is operated from our static|W&B Desktop electronics, equipped with touch screen and RS 485 interface for connection to the customer’s computer systems.
The load receptors are made of machined aeronautical grade aluminium and stainless steel. The choice of materials, as well as the internal structure, ensures rigid behaviour when the load is applied, avoiding deformations that could influence the accuracy of the measurements. It is equipped with adjustable support feet for levelling the system during commissioning, assisted by an integrated bubble level.
The sensors chosen to equip each platform are high-end HBM® bending load cells of the most suitable range for each application. Our engineering team is at your disposal to study the shape and weight of the objects to be measured in order to propose the most suitable range with the best weight and centre of gravity display step.
The chosen connectors are of extraordinary quality, made of steel, equipped with self-centring mechanism and automatic locking.

They are custom designed and manufactured for the objects the customer needs to measure. They provide a repeatable and dimensionally calibrated fixturing system for these objects in a known position. They are manufactured from machined aircraft grade aluminium, with high strength and light weight for ease of handling.
If the objects to be measured have clear reference planes, it is possible to build simple and versatile positioning fixtures in plate format. For objects with complex, irregular geometries and without reference planes, we build more complex, multi-piece positioning fixtures perfectly adapted to the customer’s needs.
On other occasions it is the customer who prefers to manufacture his own positioning tools, a task that is carried out with the support and advice of SYSTRATEC, thus guaranteeing perfect interaction with the instrument.
The system is controlled from the full-colour touch screen of our Systratec® static|REFERENCE measurement and display electronics.
These electronics benefit greatly from the advanced signal processing inherent in all our instruments, which feature our well-known Systratec CORE processing board together with our Systratec LCGRID load cell conditioning and acquisition module.
We continuously monitor the signal coming from each load cell, amplifying it using zero-drift instrumentation operational amplifiers and then attacking the digitisation stage using noise-free 24-bit sigma-delta converters. The digitised signal is processed by DSP algorithms and evaluated for quality and then converted to weight values by applying the multi-point calibration parameters stored in the system.
The individualised and simultaneous access to each load cell is the start of our unique centre of gravity calculation algorithm, which allows the coordinates of the load’s centre of gravity to be known with millimetre precision.
The combination of these unique SYSTRATEC technologies ensures that each weight value and centre of gravity position delivered by the system corresponds to a perfect measurement.
What’s more, the firmware of our electronics is upgradeable, which guarantees the best possible adaptation to customer processes and a long instrument life.

The static|W&B centre of gravity and weight measurement system incorporates the following unique SYSTRATEC technologies:
The choice of material and internal structure eliminates the bending effect and the alteration of the relative positions of the sensors, so common in other platform systems when the nominal load is applied. This results in improved instrument linearity and measurement accuracy.
Intelligent firmware algorithm that continuously checks the signals received from each of the three sensors in the instrument. This unique feature detects abnormal signal variations in real time, identifying and indicating possible sensor failure when the load is on the platform.
Continuous firmware process that detects each sensor short-circuit or open-circuit fault conditions, also identifying the sensor in question and preventing inaccurate measurements with the instrument.
Separate amplifier and acquisition stages for each load cell, with zero-drift instrumentation operational amplifiers and noise-immune 24-bit sigma-delta converters. Fully customisable communications protocol via serial interface for easy industrial integration.
This firmware routine continuously monitors for possible saturation or an undesirable traction condition of each sensor due to, for example, mechanical blockage of the platform by external objects, tools or accessories. It also identifies the sensor in question, facilitating early corrective maintenance.
HBM® high-end, OIML-certified stainless steel load cells for harsh environments, manufactured in Europe under the strictest quality standards, guaranteeing perfect performance throughout the life of the instrument.

We manufacture our static|W&B Reference weighing and centre of gravity measuring system in two different configurations: bench-top for loads up to 200kg and floor-standing for heavier loads. The standard dimensions are as shown in the figure. In special cases we can manufacture the system to the dimensions required by the customer.

Need more information?
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our sales and engineering teams are at your disposal.